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How to Safely and Effectively Photograph a Construction Site

Construction site photography involves a lot more than just snapping a few pictures of a building. To be a good construction photographer, you must creatively capture an in-progress structure’s essence and highlight its most important aspects. Construction sites can be dangerous, so take a close look at this guide on construction photography safety.


What Construction Photography Is


Construction photographers take pictures of buildings at various stages in the construction process. Organizations usually commission photos of new constructions to show the world what they have to offer. Good construction photos can satisfy stakeholders, highlight a project’s progress, showcase a new building’s features, and stoke public engagement.


How To Take Good Construction Photos


Consider the Client’s Needs


The client will want to adopt a particular aesthetic or emphasize certain building features in their marketing materials. Thus, you should communicate extensively with the client to understand what they want. After all, you don’t want to waste a day of work just to make a mistake you could have avoided with a quick call.


Avoid Untidy Spaces


No organization wants the public to associate their project with trash and debris. If you need to snap some shots of a messy area, you should find a way to remove clutter. Cleaning up certain messes and equipment can take time and manpower, so don’t forget to speak to the project supervisor at least a few days before your photo shoot.


Ask Workers for Pictures


People engage with smiling faces, and pictures of happy workers can add a much-needed human touch to the organization’s promotional campaign. Make sure that you ask laborers for permission before taking any close-up photos. You shouldn’t bother anyone for pictures if they seem extremely busy.


Safety Tips for Construction Photography


Visit the Site Beforehand


The day of the photo shoot shouldn’t be your first time seeing the construction site. You must identify some points of interest and determine which areas are still in progress before the photo shoot. With this knowledge, you can communicate your needs to the project manager and other relevant personnel more effectively.


Coordinate With the Site Manager


There are many moving parts at a construction site, so the operation must continue at a moment’s notice for a construction photographer. If you arrive at the new construction without the site manager’s knowledge, you may have to wait for authorization to enter the worksite. On top of that, they may only be able to clear out essential rooms or outdoor areas on the site with prior notification. The site manager should know when you’re coming, what you’ll need to succeed, and where you plan to take most of your construction photos.


Don’t Get in the Way


Construction sites have a lot of hazards. You can easily get injured, break something, or hurt someone if you’re not paying close attention to your surroundings. To avoid any mishaps, you must wear all appropriate safety equipment and stay completely alert for the duration of your construction photo shoot.


Get Great Photos With an Aerial Construction Site Photography Service


Top-down views of construction sites are very popular, and an organization’s marketing materials should include plenty of perspectives for stakeholders and the public. A photographer may have difficulty snapping the perfect photo, but a commercial drone can quickly and safely snap plenty of high-quality pictures of your new construction’s best features from any perspective. Suppose you want your new building to attract a lot of attention. In that case, you need to reach out to Aerial Innovations Southeast to find out how a professional aerial photography service can help.
