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Back to Blogs Drone services for land developers - Aerial Innovations Southeast - offices in Nashville and Atlanta.

Why Drones Can Cost More

When I first started with Aerial Innovations, I was surprised how inexpensive the photography services were. I soon found out it was because we could share the cost expensive of the aircraft (helicopter or fixed wing airplane) among many clients. It was a well known trick of the trade (and still is!)

A misconception I hear often is that drones are cheaper than using a typical aircraft. In fact, the drones can cost more per project than we can do on our gang flights. We do have a great pricing structure for our drone photography and video. When it comes to reliable quality images at the lowest cost, the choice is clear.

Wendy Whittemore  – Aerial Innovations of TN & KY

**This is the last in a 6 part series, see below for previous videos

Plane Talk About Drones – May 14, 2018 

True Drone Costs – May 22, 2018

5 Drone Skills to Master – May 29, 2018

Be Covered at Every Altitude – June 4, 2018

Flight Hours Matter – June 11, 2018
