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Tips for Getting the Perfect Aerial Photo with a Drone

Take your photography skills to new heights as you explore the captivating world of aerial drone photography. Whether you’re an amateur photographer or a seasoned pro, mastering the art of capturing the perfect aerial photo can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. Below are some invaluable tips and techniques to help you elevate your drone photography game.


Best Photography Drones for Arial Shots


DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0: Unleash Your Creativity


This drone has a 20-megapixel camera with a 1-inch CMOS sensor allowing you to capture stunning drone pictures with exceptional clarity and detail. The drone’s advanced flight modes, including ActiveTrack and TapFly, make it easy to capture dynamic shots while maintaining precise control.


Additionally, with its 30-minute flight time and obstacle avoidance sensors, you can focus on getting the perfect shot without worrying about battery life or collisions.


Autel Evo II: The Versatile Marvel


The Autel Evo II is a versatile marvel catering to aerial drone photography enthusiasts and professionals. Its modular design lets you switch between different camera options, including an infrared and a high-resolution 360-degree camera. This versatility makes the Autel Evo II a top choice for photographers seeking diverse perspectives in their drone photography.


DJI Mavic Air 2: Compact and Powerful


With its 48-megapixel camera and 4K video capabilities, you can easily capture stunning drone pictures and cinematic footage. The drone’s intelligent features, such as ActiveTrack 3.0 and FocusTrack, ensure that your subjects are always in sharp focus, even during fast-paced movements.


Besides that, the DJI Mavic Air 2’s lightweight design and foldable arms make it highly portable, allowing you to take it anywhere.


Adjustments For Capturing the Best Shots


Consider the following aerial photography tips for capturing the best shots:

  • Framing: Pay attention to the composition and framing of your shots. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to create visually exciting and dynamic images.
  • Positioning: Explore different vantage points and adjust your drone’s position to highlight the subject’s features or incorporate interesting elements in the background.
  • Flight Path: Fly in smooth, controlled movements, and avoid sudden jerks or movements that can affect image stability.
  • Lighting: Take advantage of the golden hours (early morning or late afternoon) for soft, warm lighting, and avoid harsh midday sunlight. Experiment with backlighting or side lighting to create dramatic effects.


Safety Considerations to Keep in Mind When Using a Drone for Aerial Photography?

Firstly, familiarize yourself with local drone regulations and laws. Knowing the rules and restrictions will help you fly within permitted areas and comply with licensing or registration requirements.


Secondly, always perform thorough pre-flight checks before taking off. Inspect the drone’s components, batteries, and propellers to ensure everything works properly. Doing so can prevent mid-flight malfunctions that could lead to accidents or damage to your equipment.

Lastly, maintain a safe distance from people, buildings, and other objects. Be mindful of your surroundings and ensure that you always have a clear line of sight to your drone.

Following these drone photography tips will help you prevent collisions and protect the safety of people and property.


Best Camera Settings to Use for Aerial Photography?

Depending on the model of your drone and the desired results, there are many camera settings that you can play around with to capture the perfect shot. The rule of thumb, however, is to use a lower ISO to minimize noise and maintain image quality, a higher shutter speed to freeze motion, and a narrower aperture to increase the depth of field.


Additionally, shooting in RAW format allows for more flexibility in post-processing and preserving details in challenging lighting situations. Experiment with different aerial photography tips and adjust them based on your aerial photographs’ specific conditions and desired creative effects.


Drone Photography Tips for Getting the Perfect Aerial Photo

To ensure you capture the perfect aerial photo, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:


Scout Locations


Research and scout potential locations beforehand to find exciting landscapes or landmarks that will make your photos stand out. Look for places with unique features or breathtaking views.


Use ND Filters


Neutral Density (ND) filters help control the amount of light entering the camera, allowing you to achieve more balanced exposures and smoother motion blur. Experiment with different ND filter strengths to achieve the desired effect.


Use the Rule of Thirds


Apply the rule of thirds by dividing your frame into a 3×3 grid and placing your key subjects or points of interest along these lines or at their intersections. This technique creates a balanced and visually appealing composition.


Incorporate Leading Lines


Look for natural or man-made leading lines in your aerial photos, such as roads, rivers, or fences, to guide the viewer’s eye into the image and create a sense of depth and perspective.


Post-Processing Enhancements


After capturing your aerial photos, use post-processing software to fine-tune the exposure, contrast, colors, and sharpness. This step can bring out the full potential of your images and add that extra touch of professionalism.


Experiment with Camera Modes


Take advantage of your drone’s various camera modes, such as panoramic or HDR, to capture stunning and dynamic shots. These modes can help you catch more expansive scenes or handle challenging lighting situations.




Aerial photography is a creative way to explore and express the world’s beauty from above. To capture perfect shots, learn about the fundamentals, practice, and make adjustments as necessary to hone your skills. Contact us today to help you with your next project and get the high-quality aerial photos you deserve.
