above it all

Aerial Photo of Complex Highway System

What Will You Ask Aerial?

https://youtu.be/HSqup-ZeZo0 Ask Aerial Explained by CEO Wendy Whittemore Aerial Innovations Southeast is here to not only deliver great photographs, but also keep you in the loop as the landscape of…

Aerial Photo of Complex Highway System

Benefits of Aerial Photography

The rapid drop in the cost of aerial photography thanks to the emergence of drones has made it possible for property owners to photograph every angle of their buildings. While…

Photo of a drone hovering before an aerial photography job

Making Orthomosaic Maps

Whenever people talk about drones or drone mapping, the term ‘orthomosaic map’ always comes up. This is because it is one of the most vital deliverables for professionals who deal…

Nashville Flood - Aerial Image by Aerial Innovations Southeast

Nashville Flood 2010-2020

It’s amazing to think that 10 years ago this week, Nashville was thrust into one of the worst natural disasters any of us had seen. If you lived through the…

Drone Pilot

How to Get FAA Certified for Drones

It's common in this day and age to own and operate drones. There are numerous commercial and personal applications for drone flying, but regardless of the intentions for use, it…